One Street Over is a Celtic roots band based in Winchester, Virginia. We perform traditional and original music, sure to enchant your ears and heart.

Upcoming Shows


New Album “Ridge and Valley”


Our album “Ridge and Valley” brings together traditional and original tunes from Ireland and the Shenandoah Valley. Sample Here!

Music Video “Ships are Sailing”

Album “Beyond the Gate”

After losing some wonderful shows and venues due to the pandemic, we decided to use the break from performing to record our first album, “Beyond the Gate”. In homage to Nana’s Irish pub in Middletown, we handpicked some of our favorite sets and songs to put together this album for all of our friends and fans.

Music Video “Killarney Boys”




“Old Maui”

“The Ocean Set”

LIVE at the Barns of Rose Hill

Live on The River 95.3


Stop by and say hi at one of our shows if you are interested in grabbing a shirt from us!

Stop by and say “hi” at one of our shows and grab a shirt or CD from us (for a nominal fee)!